
Friday, July 26, 2019

Me and Caleb's amazing 3D shapes.

For maths I and Caleb made a 3D shapes slide then did a quiz thing and I did pretty well. Do you know some 3D shapes?

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The amazing Respiratory system

For Inquiry Me, Caleb, and Cooper made a Slide on The Respiratory system. Do you know what the  Respiratory system is?

Best Sumner Rugby toolkit.

For Inquiry, we made a tool kit me and Cooper chose Sumner Rugby toolkit. This is my Sumner Rugby toolkit for if you come to Sumner Rugby do you play Rugby and if you do, do you play for Sumner.

Why Marshland school should have a tuck shop.

My group did this persuasive writing in literacy we had to think of something that we could have at school. (I thought of a tuck shop.) we should have at school and write it on a planning sheet and then show the teacher. once we should the teacher we could do it on a Slide or Doc (I did it on a Slide.) Do you know what a tuck shop?

Friday, July 5, 2019

My awesome Literacy Biteable.

This is my biteable that I did for Literary this term. It's about what my group did this term. If there are any mistakes or things you want me to change please comment and I will change it.

Gangsta Granny book review.

This is my Gangsta Granny book review that I did this term. Have you read Gangsta Granny?